Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Lensbaby The Composer for Sony Alpha mount Digital SLR Cameras

Reviews : Lensbaby The Composer for Sony Alpha mount Digital SLR Cameras

Lensbaby The Composer for Sony Alpha mount Digital SLR Cameras
Product By Lensbabies LLC
Lowest Price : $249.99
Available From 6 Sellers

Technical Details

  • Slective focus lens, based on a ball and socket configuration, delivers smooth selective focus photography with unparalleled ease of use and greater precision
  • Features the Lensbaby¿ Optic Swap System
  • Magnetically suspended disk aperture system allows f/2.0, f/2.8, f/4, f/5.6, f/8.0, f/11, f/16, f/22 aperture settings. All aperture settings included.
  • 37 mm threads allow you to attach Lensbaby¿ Macro Kit lenses, wide angle and telephoto conversion lenses, and other filters and accessories
  • Note: a Lensbaby does not communicate electronically with your camera body


Product Description

All Lensbaby¿ selective focus SLR camera lenses provide photographers with a new way to control depth of field by bringing one area of a photo into sharpest focus with that Sweet Spot surrounded by graduated blur. By bending the Lensbaby lens, the photographer moves the sharp area around the photo for customized creative effects.


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Customer Reviews

 "Fun, addictive and frustrating" 2009-12-27
By ksuwildkat (Monterey, CA)
Hard to say more about this than others have already said but I will try. This is a really fun lens but also a powerful tool. That said, in many ways it is like Photoshop - the gap between cool fun shot and works of art has a mountain sized learning curve.

The double glass optic is a great choice for a starter lens. It has the largest and easiest to find area that is in focus. Finding and identifying that is key to getting predicable results. When you first start using this, I recommend finding a subject you know well that is also far enough away that you can focus on infinity. Then start shooting with no aperture ring installed at all and the lens fixed to straight ahead. This will give you maximum blur on the edges and the best chance of finding the focus spot. I made the mistake of trying to shoot stuff close up at first and every time I moved even a tiny bit I lost the focus point. Once you get the hang of focusing, unlock the lens and start moving it around. I started with a subject that had a lot of clearly defined lines so I could move the focus and track it. Once you are comfortable doing that, moving to the aperture rings should be a piece of cake. I have posted some images but they dont really do the product justice. i recommend searching for "Lensbaby" on flickr.

One issue I have with my Lensbaby is that the aperture ring tool does not have a magnet strong enough to lift the rings. I have resorted to using a magnetic tool from my tool kit. I think I got a bad tool because it wont even pick up a ring that isnt in the lens. I need to contact Lensbaby about a replacement.

I cant speak for other brands but on my Pentax K200D I can use Aperture Priority mode and get accurate metering. I cant imagine getting decent results without it so if your brand does not support it, you might want to borrow one before taking the plunge. I assumed I would have to use all manual for the first day and frustration did not begin to describe my feelings.

Once you get past the pure joy of bending focus you will find that the Lensbaby is an excellent lens for portraits and flowers. For portraits you can put the focus on your subjects face and by adjusting the aperture determine how much else is in focus and even how quickly it transitions to blur. Same for flowers . And you can shoot using the rule of thirds in a way the really gives depth to the picture. Traditional lens makers have spent millions preventing focus drop-off at the edges forcing photographers to spend hundreds on Photoshop to blur those same edges! Now you can not only get the blur, you can get as much or as little as you want.

I highly recommend adding the Lensbaby Optic Kit as soon as possible. The difficulty progression is Double Glass, Single Glass, Plastic, Zone Plate and Pinhole but the rewards are worth it. If you can only add one lens, add the plastic. It adds an element of predictable but uncontrollable distortion that is just a ton of fun to explore.

Lensbaby is not for everyone. If your photography consists of happy snaps, documenting life or spending hours on getting tack sharp pictures, dont get one. Maybe some photographers can capture candids of people or moments with a Lensbaby but for me, every picture is a 30 second or more affair. You have to be willing to spend time both taking the pictures and learning how to take the pictures. In my opinion, the rewards justify both but you will have to decide for yourself.

 "Takes Practice" 2009-12-26
By J. Mackie (IL)
This lens is awesome. The only downside is that you better have time to play around with it because it takes some getting used to. This lens is not for people who want to just pick up their camera and take a shot. You have to train your eye to look through the viewfinder with this lens a bit more then a standard lens in manual focus. It is a ton of fun and when you hit an awesome shot you really feel like you created something cool and unique. I love how this lens is very versatile and can be changed up with a new optic or aperture disk with a shape. There is nothing else like this lens. You should read a few professional reviews to make sure you know what you are buying with this lens though because it certainly is not for everyone.

 "Great but you may want a tripod to get most of it!" 2009-12-04
By John Jamieson (All Over)
I love this lens. But I feel to get the best images, I have to use a tripod. But I still love it and laugh at photoshops attempts to blur now!!!!!!

 "LOVE IT!" 2009-11-05
By I Don't Want to Use My Real Name (Los Angeles, CA)
This is my second Lensbaby lens. I also own the 2.0 which takes two hands to use and does not work with the optic swap system so I purchased this as well. I love this lens. I still use the 2.0, but I thoroughly enjoy the optic swap system (available separately). Well designed and fun to use.

 "Phenominal Prime" 2009-08-22
By Jason (CA)
absolutely brilliant lens! The perfect companion for my D90. This lens stays on my camera 90% of the time. If you are looking for a solid prime lens at an amazing price, this is it!

All Reviews


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